Home Protection Against Flooding

Making alterations to your home to defend it against flooding can not only help it survive a flood with less damage and inconvenience, but can also help mitigate the impact flood risk can have on the value of your home and the cost of your home flood insurance. If you...

Chimney Fires

Many chimney fires occur because the flue interior has been neglected by not being cleaned. Chimneys can become choked and partially blocked with an accumulation of soot deposit, left from burning coal or wood. Soot rises up in the smoke and is deposited by it on the...

WETT Clearances for Wood Burning Appliances

Any  combustible flooring or floor covering beneath the appliance and/or within the area extending horizontally at least 450 mm (18 in) beyond the appliance on any side equipped with a door, and 200 mm (8 in) beyond the appliance on the other sides, shall be protected...

Pex Plumbing in Your Home

Before installation, there are a few things needed which must be considered seriously. If you want to do a job comfortably, there are a few things such as drilling machine, hangars, stud plates, straps and PEX fasteners. It is essential to measure the length of PEX...

Asbestos In Your Home

Asbestos has been used in hundreds of applications and products over the past 4,500 years. The ancient Greeks wove it into oil lamp wicks, funeral shrouds and ceremonial tablecloths. During the 1800s, it insulated the hot engines, boilers and piping that powered the...